Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Cottonelle GHOST How-To!

EASY Mini-Ghost!
The Cottonelle Folks were kind enough to send me some wonderful Cottonelle Bath Tissue.  I knew I wanted to let you all know how well it performed, but...well, um, I was in a quandry as to how I might describe my experience, however pleasant it might be!

So, since Halloween is my all-time fave holiday, I decided to create this fun, slightly QUIRKY Mini-Ghost!  THAT I can talk about!  Here is my step-by-step little tutorial about making this VERY simple and quick little Ghosty!

Supplies Needed
Cottonelle Bath Tissue (AKA T.P.)
Empty TP Roll
Twine or Ribbon
Scrap Fabric, Felt or Cardstock

Tear Off TP Sheets
Unroll 4 sheets each.  You will do this four times.

Fold Each in Quarters and Cut into Thirds
I did cut a couple in half at first, but decided it works best to cut into thirds.  Makes for more narrow strips.

Unfold to Just Half-Fold
Ignore the wider strips!  Next time I will cut all in thirds.  No big deal, though.  It is a T.P. Ghosty, after all!

Cut Random Points, Through Both Layers
You could always use the scrap T.P. points for fangs somewhere!

Cut Off Packaging!
Okay, this is where you can call me smart enough to REUSE the packaging to create the head!  Or, you may call me a tad lazy!  I was just sitting there, wondering what to use for the shape of the head.  As I was about to go get a piece of paper towel, the packaging called to me.  "Use meeeee," it said.  So I  did.  Is it that little Ghosty talking, before I even have his head attached?  Hmmm.  Ghosts do talk to me sometimes, actually.

Wad it into a Ball
Not too hard, is it?

Tape a square or more around the ball, I mean, "head."  That is so the writing of the packaging does not show through.

Wrap a couple of squares around the empty T.P. tube.  It sort of acts like a slip so the Ghosty doesn't show its bare...cardboard.

The head can be sort of lumpy.  Ghosts aren't perfect.

You don't have to add the tape to every strip.  It just helped to keep the strips even on all sides.  You'll see.

Place the strips, with the center line of the TP at the top center.  First at right angles, then criss-crossed, etc., until you have the Ghosty nice and covered and all fluffy-like.  (Did I mention how SOFT Cottonelle is?)

Add Loose Rubberband Just to Keep Strips in Place

Add Twine or Ribbon in a scary way...  I did remove the loose rubberband after adding the twine.  That way it could be reused for the next Ghosty!

You could leave the little Ghosty just like this, with no face, OR...

You could use your fabric scraps, felt or cardstock to create a mouth and eyes!  Did you notice I used the bits that were printed on my background fabric?  They called to me, too.

Either way, this little mini-Ghosty is a quick and easy craft to add some soft spookiness to your Halloween!

I hope you enjoyed this little tutorial.  Cottonelle is just right for "other" delicate" reasons, that we all need, on a "regular" basis!  Enjoy!


  1. Ha, very cute, Kim. What a great way to use all the leftover parts, too. :)

  2. Kim,

    This is ADORABLE!!!!! Love the step-by-step! Love the photography! You are SUCH a rock star!

    Happy day!
