I was so looking forward to lunch today. We had a great treat; thinly sliced roast beef, instead of our almost always turkey.
Filling my arms with all of the fridge goodies, I felt the mustard was awfully light. Oh, no. I had such a hankering for that spicy deli mustard slathered onto my white-wheat bread.
When I tried to squeeze out those last, thick dregs, the bottle just did repeated little "raspberries" if you know what I am saying. No mustard to be seen. It was in there, but too thick to drop, even though I had stored it upside down. I didn't have all day.
Back into the fridge, hoping for inspiration, or, a sub for the mustard.
Boar's Head Deli Dressing to the rescue! Even though I love the flavors of this condiment, I usually don't reach for it because it sort of runny and drippy.
I opened up the top of the clumped up but still good mustard, then squirted a good amount of the dressing into that, and shook shook shook!
Wonderful combo that was perfect for my sammy.
In fact, I'm wondering if I could do the same for the ketchup! Better mark it, "Kim's Ketchup," so hubby doesn't grab the wrong one...
Mmm, that is one yummy looking sandwich. Good idea to add dressing to the bottle- I'll have to remember that!