Friday, July 19, 2013

How to Stretch Mustard...

I was so looking forward to lunch today.  We had a great treat; thinly sliced roast beef, instead of our almost always turkey.

Filling my arms with all of the fridge goodies, I felt the mustard was awfully light.  Oh, no.  I had such a hankering for that spicy deli mustard slathered onto my white-wheat bread.

When I tried to squeeze out those last, thick dregs, the bottle just did repeated little "raspberries" if you know what I am saying.  No mustard to be seen.  It was in there, but too thick to drop, even though I had stored it upside down.  I didn't have all day.

Back into the fridge, hoping for inspiration, or, a sub for the mustard.

Boar's Head Deli Dressing to the rescue!  Even though I love the flavors of this condiment, I usually don't reach for it because it sort of runny and drippy.

I opened up the top of the clumped up but still good mustard, then squirted a good amount of the dressing into that, and shook shook shook!

Wonderful combo that was perfect for my sammy.

In fact, I'm wondering if I could do the same for the ketchup!  Better mark it, "Kim's Ketchup," so hubby doesn't grab the wrong one...

1 comment:

  1. Mmm, that is one yummy looking sandwich. Good idea to add dressing to the bottle- I'll have to remember that!
