Sunday, January 6, 2013

Laundry Scissor Tip

As I wander around this house with notebook in hand, I have to remind myself to also give a nod to what is RIGHT about my house, instead of a total focus on just what I have to FIX.  So, I want to sprinkle in some tips and tricks that serve me well.

I am not a fan of strings and threads and labels on towels, etc.  Finally, I added a cup hook up under the cabinet that is over my washer and dryer, and hung a small pair of scissors.  I have to say that I reach for those snips every single time I do a load of wash!

I know.  Such a little thing, but it means that those threads and labels get snipped right then and there!  They get tossed into the waiting little waste basket that sits between the washer and dryer.

Yes.  This exact pair stuck into my HEAD...    

You may want to heed one warning, though.  I used to have that sharp-ended pair of scissors hanging on the other edge of a high cabinet.  One day I bent way down to pick something up from the floor.  I straightened up and, oh boy, OOOOOOWWWWWWW!

The tip of the little VERY sharp scissors jammed right into my head!!!  That is the day I decided to add a hook to the OTHER cabinet, where the washer protected anyone from doing that to themselves! 

Blunt Ended Scissors!  Yep, this photo gives you a hint of my "Before" of the other side of the little laundry room!

SO, if you put that cup hook anywhere that your head could ever, ever come into direct contact, please do hang a blunt-tip pair of scissors!  Still makes me shiver...

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